A Great Place For Education


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You are in the midst of very hectic schedule of house-hold activities, studies and exams. Some of you found it rather tiring while most ofyou havetheidea ofworking and playing, treating the school as your home that develops your talents and help in intimating real values of life. Participating in house function, taking lesson in art, clay modelling, music, dance, sports etc. will help in adding excitement to your time spent in the wonderful schooI.Cooperation should never be compromised upon.Always stand up for whatis right. Education is expensive but its value are limitless.lt will take you to the path of stars where you ever wanted to be. Every minute of your schoollife is precious so do notletit slip from your hands.We are always proud ofyou and you must remain proud of this loving home of education. Always keepthe motto of your school in your mind.

Aim & Objectives


Course for all classes are strictly followed as such exams are conducted.


Math Science (Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Biologyetc.) Laboratories are equipped with the Latest equipments reqd. to provide edequate practical knowledge.


Connected with Internet facilities where students can approach obtain all wordly informations.


Has vast range of books. national international journals, periodicals, news papers magazines, reference cum text Books, Software Books, to cater the needs of students.


Students staff members avail these facilities. Emergency cases are immediately shifted to expert hands i.e. experienced MBBS Doctors.


Trained educated Teacher is employed to train both outdoor (football, basket Ball, volley-balletc) indoor ( y o g a , J u d o, badminton, ping-pong etc.) games.


Water-Coollers with aquaguards are fitted. higienic . kitchen, dining hall, common room with t.v.cable facilityis available .


Are highly dedicated with sense of responsibility co-operation coordination.


Starts with prayer followed by national anthem, spiritual moral touch latest news.



Helping Nature
Positive attitude
Unique character
Sweet smile
Devotional heart
Make my loving mother



You have been done thirl for me
No matter but such choice is
I might have made
You lovingly repared my broken
Spirite helped me plot a new
Course and set me full
With to fly on my own once again
There is no greater love them that
You will always be special to
Me and no matter where life taken me
I will remember you with love



Each day I’II do my but
And I won’t do any bus
My work will always please me
And I won’t accept a mess
I’II colour very carefully
My writing will be neat
And I will not be happy
Tell my papers are complete
I’II always do my homework
And try my best on every test
I wan’t forget my promise
To do my very best


School time are almost over
School times are almost done
We have had a lot of Leaving
We have had a lot of fun
We will say good bye to teacher
We will put over books aways
Our school here is over now
It’s summer time let’s play



वक्त (TIME

बंद मुट्ठी में रेत की तरह
वक्त फिसलता जाएगा |
हर बार की तरह इस बार भी
हाथ मलते रह जाएगा
आज वक्त को बर्बाद कर
कल तू पछताएगा
आज ना जागा तू
कल ना मंजिल पाएगा
अगर तू ऐसा ही रहा तो
वक्त से कदम नहीं मिला पाएगा |
वक्त आएगा और चला जाएगा |
कदम बढ़ा, प्रयास कर
तभी तो लक्ष्य पाएगा
तेरे सफल प्रयासों से कल तेरा पाठ
स्वार्णिय इतिहास में पढ़ाया जाएगा |


धन के बल पर वे टिकट पा गए
जनता पर छा गए
उन्हें नहीं मालूम गरीब और गरीबी
वोट की कीमत दी तो जनता की भा गए
जो बिछाते रहे अभी तक
पार्टी की दरिया, उन्हें किनारे किया
और टिकट पा गए


बिना छत के भी,वह घर हो जाएगा |
जन्म बेटी का, जब हो जाएगा
घर की लक्ष्मी जिसे मैं जानता हूं |
उसका और मेरा भविष्य संवर जाएगा |
जन्म बेटा का जब हो जाएगा |
बेटी ही तो संसार का आधार है
बेटी ही तो देवी का अवतार है |
बेटी बिन घर की रौनक नहीं
बेटी ही तो नवरात्रों की शान है |
बेटी आए घर मैं यह मांगो दुआ
न दो किसी को भी तुम बद्दुआ
कोख में पलने तो दो
गोद में उसको तुम आने तो दो
चेहरे पर मुस्कान छा जाएगी |
जीवन में खुशियां आ जाएगी |
बेटी को तुम कब पालोगे |
स्कूल में जब उसको डालोगे
चिड़िया सी चहकती नजर आएगी वो
तुम्हारा भविष्य बन जाएगी वो
पढ़ लिखकर जब बड़ी हो जाएगी
केरियर की उड़ान लग जाएगी
हौसला तुम उसका बढ़ाते चलो
मंजिल दर मंजिल दिलाते चलो
कामयाबी की राह जब मिल जाएगी
बेटा कि बेटा नजर आएगी |